

Welcome to the Outpost. Today we are moving forward to the 1985 G.I.Joe Mauler. I guess I’m making this tank week LOL. The Mauler is just an awesome tank. This is one I did not have as a kid, but I wanted one really bad. It wasn’t till a few years ago I saw for the first time a Mauler. Minus the antennas it was complete and I made it mine.. This was another motorized tank and same thing with as my Mobat I have never tried putting batteries in it.

This is cool enough without them for me. This tank has 2 front hatches for a driver and controller I guess. This one came with Heavy Metal who is a really cool character. I love this figure, he has a very cool look to him. He just looks like a tank operator. The Mauler was used in the cartoon and I assume in the comics but as you all know I wasn’t into the comics much so this is not my area, but I’m willing to listen to anyone that has some good Mauler Comic stories.

I love the Mauler color and there have been many vehicles such as the AWE Striker, Locust, and Humvee made in the Desert tan. This displays well and just looks ready to take on any Cobra attack. Who loves the Mauler? Sound off below and let us know AFTER THE JUMP! Make sure to check back for our Next discussion.


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